
credit card eligibility

Best Credit Cards For Different Income Group

Credit cards: Find out which credit card suits you according to your salary. From joining fees to reward points, we covered all the features.

Best Credit Cards For Different Income Group

Written by CreditLine

Credit cards make life hassle-free as the cards allow users to spend freely and pay later in easy installments. A credit card always has the backs of your lifestyle choices such as shopping, traveling, entertainment, fuel, etc. Besides, a credit card offers credit card cashback, reward points, and much more exciting deals. However, the credit card eligibility criteria always ask for a minimum income range to provide you a credit card. And depending on that, there are multiple credit cards that you can apply for, ranging from a low income to a high income. Read on the credit card information to find out a suitable credit card as per your monthly earning.

Credit card eligibility


Credit Cards For A Salaried Person With A Monthly Earning Below Rs. 25,000

The credit card eligibility criteria of the following credit cards made these cards approachable for the salaried people whose monthly earning is below Rs.25,000. These cards charge lower annual fees, along with reward points and credit card cashback.

Name Of TheCredit Cards Annual Fees (Rs.) Credit Card Eligibility-

Minimum Income (Monthly)

HDFC Easy EMI Credit Card 500.00 10,000.00 Get cash back on shopping
ICICI Platinum Chip Credit Card – Visa 0.00 15,001.00 ·         2 PAYBACK Points/₹100  (Except Fuel)

·         1 PAYBACK Point/₹100  (on utilities and insurance categories)

SBI Simply Click Credit Card 499.00 20,000.00 ·         10 reward points/Rs. 100 on online purchases

·         Earn 5 rewards per Rs. 100 on other online spends

·         Earn 1 reward point per Rs. 100 spent on other categories

BPCL SBI Card 499.00 20,000.00 Up to 5 reward points on every Rs. 100 spent
ICICI Bank Coral Contactless Credit Card 500.00 20,000.00 ·         2 PAYBACK Points/₹100 (Except Fuel)

·         1 PAYBACK Point/₹100 (on utilities and insurance categories)


Credit card cashback

Credit Cards For People With Monthly Income In BelowRs. 50,000

It seems like the credit card eligibility criteria are more flexible for a salaried person than a self-employed person. However, there are still some credit card options that are suitable for both.

Name Of TheCredit Cards Annual Fees (Rs.) Credit Card Eligibility-

Minimum Income (Monthly)

YES Prosperity Rewards Credit Card 500.00 Rs.25,000 or ITR of Rs.5 Lakh and above On every Rs.100 spent for other retail purposes, 1 reward point is offered
SBI Simply Click Credit Card 499.00 ·         Salaried- Rs. 20,000

·         Self-employed- Rs. 30,000

·         10 reward points per Rs. 100 on online purchases

·         Earn 5 rewards per Rs. 100 on other online spends

·         Earn 1 reward point per Rs. 100 spent on other categories

BPCL SBI Card 499.00 20,000.00 ·         10 reward points per Rs. 100 on online purchases

·         Earn 5 rewards per Rs. 100 on other online spends

·         Earn 1 reward point per Rs. 100 spent on other categories

RBL Shoprite Credit Card 500.00 More Than Rs. 25,000 ·         1 Reward Point/₹100 (except fuel)

·         20 Reward Points/₹100 on groceries

·         20 Reward Point/₹100 on fuel

RBL Bank Platinum Maxima Credit Card 2,000.00 More Than Rs. 45,000 ·         10 Reward Points/₹100 spent on dining, entertainment, utility bill payments,fuel, and international purchase

·         2 Reward Points/₹100 spent on all purchases



Credit Cards For People Whose Monthly Income Is Above Rs. 50,000

People with a higher income range can avail of the credit cards that ask for high income as credit card eligibility. Such a credit card offers high reward points, credit card cashback, lounge access, travel deals, etc. These cards may charge higher annual fees, but fee-waivers are also available for some of these cards.

Name Of TheCredit Cards Annual Fees (Rs.) Credit Card Eligibility-

Minimum Income (Monthly)

Best For
HDFC Bank Regalia Credit Card 2,500.00 ·         Salaried-Rs. 90,000

·         Self-employed-Rs. 1,00,000

Rewards, Shopping, Dining
SBI Card Elite 4,999.00 60,000 Rewards, Movie, Lounge
ICICI Bank Rubyx Credit Card 2,000.00 ·         Salaried- Rs. 6,00,000/year

·         Self-employed- Rs. 9,00,000/year

Standard Chartered Super Value Titanium Credit Card 750.00 ·         Salaried- Rs. 55,500/month

·         Self-employed- Rs. 6,60,000/year

Fuel And Utility Bill Payment
Standard Chartered Emirates World Credit Card 3,000.00 1,00,000.00 Travel and Golf


At Roopya, you can find multiple credit card options. Because there are several banks and NBFCs on our platform, the credit card eligibility criteria won’t be the same. So opt for credit card comparison along with the credit card offers. Your salary should be as per the credit card eligibility criteria. So make sure that you meet the requirement of minimum income to avoid the rejection of your credit card application.


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